Monday, January 30, 2012

January Quilt Blocks

 I have been taking it pretty easy this month in the sewing department.  After a busy Christmas, it was nice to catch up on things around the house; I worked a few shifts at the hospital, and I had 2 photo sessions which required hours of photo editing.

I told myself I was not able to tackle sewing until the photo editing was done... and so now that's finished, I have been sewing for the past few days... Ahhh... bliss!!

The first 2 quilt blocks are for the Fat Quarters Stars Quilt Along:

Block 8  - "Easy Spinning Star" 

Block 9 - "Make Mine a Double"

All 9 blocks so far - 3 more to go.

My local quilt shop, Traditional Pastimes, has a few BOM on the go, and I am doing the "Freebie 15" quilt along... if I go to the shop on the 15th, I get the main block for free (provided my quilt block is done) and I simply need to purchase the companion for that month's block.

First up is the "freebie 15" - the log cabin designs were supposed to be really narrow strips, but I gave up and cheated, substituting a block then finishing the final 3 rounds of the cabin.  
The original log cabin centre required strips of x/16th"  - ??seriously??  I can barely sew a straight x/4th" any given time.  I'm still pleased with how this block turned out.

Block 4 Freebie - "Skipping Stones"

Block 4 Companion - "Riptide"

Freebie 15 & Companion & 18 small hour glass units (3.5" x 3.5")
The first 4 Freebie 15s & the companions
When the Freebie 15 & Companions are done, there will be 24 12" blocks + all the 3.5x3.5" hourglass units... I can hardly wait... it will be a large (queen or king-size) quilt... and oh so nice.  Too bad I don't have a cottage by the ocean.  :)

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