First of all, here is a tote bag that I started a while ago & just finished yesterday. This was my first tote bag. The fabric on the outside of the bag I purchased a few years ago in Africa. The interior fabric was purchased locally.
The instructions that I found on the internet for this bag were a bit confusing. I realized after I cut the fabric that I did not have "sides" to the bag, so I had to cut them separately then sew them in. However, I added batting between the 2 fabrics, and that made it more difficult to sew corners. In fact, I brought the bag to a local shoe maker yesterday so that the bottom corners of the bag could be sew together (I wasn't able to fit the corners on my sewing machine).
It is a rag-edge style bag, and I simply did some zigzag stitching over the quilting tape along the edges. Bag measures 16" x 12" x 5." No inside pockets.. It isn't a fancy bag, but it's mine, I made it, and best of all, I was able to use my African fabrics!

The fabric inside the bag:

This summer I'll be taggin' along on the ride for "Summer Star Sampler Quilt-Along" by A Quilty Kind of Girl Designs' quilt blog. I'm very excited about this as this will be my first quilt-along, and I will be able to try new blocks & styles. Oh, I have SOOOOO much to learn!
The colours that were featured in the Summer Star Sample Quilt-Along were not my style, so I'll be using some of my own stash, including fabrics that I purchased at a local moving sale. Thus, my colours will be blue hues (including some purple), greens (pale green & very dark greens) and yellows (mustards and creams).
Here is my Block 1 (12" x 12"):

Block 2 (also 12x12). I struggled with the HST (half-square triangles) & flying geese on this one. It's not perfect, but after ripping out seams & re-sewing (& repeating a few more times), this version will do for now.

The first 2 blocks for the Summer Star Sample Quilt Along: