Oh, it has been such a fun crafty week. I had put all quilting aside for a few weeks to catch up on other things that needed tending to, but I had a few days off this week, so it was time to get back into quilting. Such relaxation!!
November 2 was Week 1 of the Layer Cake Quilt Along. I had purchased Sandy Gervais's "Lollipop" layer cake, and I just love it! My plan was to make a quilt for my son, but some of the fabrics have flowers on them, so I might have to use some other matching fabrics or just use up the flowery fabrics to make a neutral quilt. We'll see.

I finally sewed the quilt block for August 2010 that I had purchased at "Two Toonies Thursday" at Freckles (local quilt shop). Freckles puts out a quilt block on the 2nd Thursday of each month for $4 and all the proceeds go to a children's lunch program. At the end of the year (September to August) they sell a quilt kit to place all the quilt blocks together. Novel idea! However, since I started these purchases in June, I only had 3 blocks. I have sewn these 3 blocks together into a table runner, so I'll post pix when I'm done. (I just have the binding to hand-sew.)

Recently, I came across a quilting blog in which the author wrote about this product. She raved about it, so I bought it & tried it out. Let me tell you, it is THE CAT's MEOW!!!! I LOVE this stuff!! No more basting quilting pieces together before sewing all the layers together!!! Spray-stick-spray-stick-done-then-sew!!!
I tried the 505 Fabric Adhesive on a large quilt (my Summer Star Sampler Quilt Along). I needed some help tacking the fabric smoothly onto the batting, but once done, it was a piece of cake to sew it all together. I'll be posting the finished quilt on here soon, too.) Using this product on the table runner this week was even easier!

This was yesterday/today's project: a tote bag with 6 outside pockets. This was my October splurge at Jo-Ann's in Washington state. The colours are a bit bright for me, but I love the bag. Now to fill it up, use it & show it off!