So (sew) ... I have had a busy last few weeks.
I worked a lot of shifts at my paid job at the hospital, but once home I was able to focus again on my wonderful husband and son and I also managed to get some sewing done. It feels so good to feel "caught up" - even though I still have a big list of things to sew & quilt.

Oh, the backing... it's going to be adorable!! I ordered some fabric that is going to used on the backing, but it will be revealed once the quilt is done. Yup, it's still a child's quilt.

The March block for the Scrappy Star quilt along, part of Calgary's Freckles Quilt Shop's Two Toonies Thursdays.

The 7 stars thus far, from September 2010 to March 2011.

I had this orange fabric sitting on the shelf what seemed forever. Actually, I bought it late last year but when I washed the cotton, I had added something dark, so the fabric stained blue patches. I had to go out and buy some more "orange" cotton fabric, but it just sat there for the longest time. Finally, I washed the fabric (didn't stain it this time) and quickly sewed this blanket together. I realized afterwards that it isn't fully rectangular, but I like the combination of the orange flannel with the yellow/orange cotton. Another baby gift ready to go...

I had this orange fabric sitting on the shelf what seemed forever. Actually, I bought it late last year but when I washed the cotton, I had added something dark, so the fabric stained blue patches. I had to go out and buy some more "orange" cotton fabric, but it just sat there for the longest time. Finally, I washed the fabric (didn't stain it this time) and quickly sewed this blanket together. I realized afterwards that it isn't fully rectangular, but I like the combination of the orange flannel with the yellow/orange cotton. Another baby gift ready to go...

I would really have to rush it if I wanted to do the 12 blocks that are in the Block-a-Palooza quilt along, but I decided only to do 2 for now. Some of the blocks were pinwheels, but I chose these 2 b/c of the flying geese patches. I purchased a fat eighths specifically to do some of these blocks, so I just might do another 2 or 3 or 4 to make a table runner. The fabric has little Japanese blossoms printed on it - it's too cute.
For Christmas, hubby gave me the Autumn Leaves Pre-fringed Quilt Kit. The leaves needed to be cut and appliqued (I've discovered I'm not really into applique). The fabric is a combination of various cottons and flannels. One thing about rag quilts is that they are very, very messy... thread shreds everywhere!!
I had laid out all the blocks for the leaves to be spaced out evenly, but somehow I messed up the blocks when sewing it all together. I didn't really realize that until the quilt was finished. Oh well, this quilt is NOT going to be pulled apart!!
I joined another quilt-along: Birdie Stitches Block of the Month. Each month this year, there will be a new quilt block with embroidered centrepiece. This quilt-along requires 2 charm packs (which I did have) and 1 yard of fabric for the centrepieces & the sashing.
My charm packs: Bliss by Bonnie & Camille for Moda Fabrics.
White fabric for centrepiece: Kona white
January 2011 Birdie Stitches Block
And here are some sneek peeks...
A quilt I recently finished.
A quilt I'm working on. Free motion is a learning curve.
I'm back to work tomorrow... it'll be a crazy work week, so that means no sewing for me, but perhaps I'll get some embroidery done for my 3rd (March) Birdie Stitches block.