So (sew) ... I have had a busy last few weeks.
I worked a lot of shifts at my paid job at the hospital, but once home I was able to focus again on my wonderful husband and son and I also managed to get some sewing done. It feels so good to feel "caught up" - even though I still have a big list of things to sew & quilt.

Oh, the backing... it's going to be adorable!! I ordered some fabric that is going to used on the backing, but it will be revealed once the quilt is done. Yup, it's still a child's quilt.

The March block for the Scrappy Star quilt along, part of Calgary's Freckles Quilt Shop's Two Toonies Thursdays.

The 7 stars thus far, from September 2010 to March 2011.

I had this orange fabric sitting on the shelf what seemed forever. Actually, I bought it late last year but when I washed the cotton, I had added something dark, so the fabric stained blue patches. I had to go out and buy some more "orange" cotton fabric, but it just sat there for the longest time. Finally, I washed the fabric (didn't stain it this time) and quickly sewed this blanket together. I realized afterwards that it isn't fully rectangular, but I like the combination of the orange flannel with the yellow/orange cotton. Another baby gift ready to go...

I had this orange fabric sitting on the shelf what seemed forever. Actually, I bought it late last year but when I washed the cotton, I had added something dark, so the fabric stained blue patches. I had to go out and buy some more "orange" cotton fabric, but it just sat there for the longest time. Finally, I washed the fabric (didn't stain it this time) and quickly sewed this blanket together. I realized afterwards that it isn't fully rectangular, but I like the combination of the orange flannel with the yellow/orange cotton. Another baby gift ready to go...

I would really have to rush it if I wanted to do the 12 blocks that are in the Block-a-Palooza quilt along, but I decided only to do 2 for now. Some of the blocks were pinwheels, but I chose these 2 b/c of the flying geese patches. I purchased a fat eighths specifically to do some of these blocks, so I just might do another 2 or 3 or 4 to make a table runner. The fabric has little Japanese blossoms printed on it - it's too cute.
For Christmas, hubby gave me the Autumn Leaves Pre-fringed Quilt Kit. The leaves needed to be cut and appliqued (I've discovered I'm not really into applique). The fabric is a combination of various cottons and flannels. One thing about rag quilts is that they are very, very messy... thread shreds everywhere!!
I had laid out all the blocks for the leaves to be spaced out evenly, but somehow I messed up the blocks when sewing it all together. I didn't really realize that until the quilt was finished. Oh well, this quilt is NOT going to be pulled apart!!
I joined another quilt-along: Birdie Stitches Block of the Month. Each month this year, there will be a new quilt block with embroidered centrepiece. This quilt-along requires 2 charm packs (which I did have) and 1 yard of fabric for the centrepieces & the sashing.
My charm packs: Bliss by Bonnie & Camille for Moda Fabrics.
White fabric for centrepiece: Kona white
January 2011 Birdie Stitches Block
And here are some sneek peeks...
A quilt I recently finished.
A quilt I'm working on. Free motion is a learning curve.
I'm back to work tomorrow... it'll be a crazy work week, so that means no sewing for me, but perhaps I'll get some embroidery done for my 3rd (March) Birdie Stitches block.
Your stitches blocks are too cute...such sweet designs.