First of all, I have to introduce my latest purchase... an American Jane quilt kit! I just love this line & this quilt will be terrific. My son just might have 10 quilts by the time he's 5 years old - haha.
The kit came in this darling tin box (eventually I'll use it for sewing notions).

The letters are so Dick-&-Jane'ish - it reminds me of those books that I read way back in Grade 1!

I've been blog-stalking... I found this idea below on my sister's friend Jen's blog & it was so adorable I had to make one, too, but for my son. Thanks, Jen, for the link & idea.
I filled my little Chick-sicle up with lavender & buckwheat. My son loves it. It now resides in the freezer door, but it can easily be heated (20-30 seconds) in the microwave.

I made 2 more Chick-sicles.

Another baby blanket I made. The one side is this neat cotton with a fine batting attached, and the reverse side is green flannel. I just love this blanket.

Here is the March block for Birdie Stitches Quilt Along 2011:
January, February, March Birdie Stitches Quilt Along blocks, sewn together.
April Birdie Stitches Q-A:

I joined another quilt-along... this one is Patchwork Squared Modern Solids Quilt-Along (P2 QA). I bought these 4 fabrics & sewed them together to make this block (which I found via the Block-a-Palooza quilt along). I have to do some repairs to this block, but that is on next week's schedule.

Layer Cake Quilt Along (LCQA) Block #11 ("E-cclectic")

Block #12 for LCQA.

All 12 LCQA blocks in order (left to right, top to bottom rows)

Yesterday, I organized the quilt blocks & added sashing. I have to purchase some fabric for the border yet. I love this quilt top so far... blue down the middle, yellow/orange/green/brown scattered throughout. Lollipops fabric is definitely one of my favourite children's fabrics.
This quilt will be for my son's "big boy bed" one day.
Cute panel, eh? I purchased this one online...

I also bought 2 yards of this yummy fabric, also from the Lollipops fabric line.

I'm not sure this photo does this justice, but this actually looks great. This will be my backing for the LCQA quilt.

I've put the sewing machine away for a few days. Next week's sewing plans:
- finish binding for one quilt
- finish binding & sashing for LCQA
- sew 2 blocks for P2QA
- buy/sew April Two-Toonies quilt block