I have lots of fabric to dream about... I travelled to the Vancouver area to see my family for Canadian Thanksgiving (Oct 11 this year), and my mother, sister, nieces and I drove across the border into Washington state... to buy fabric! Oooooh... there are so many more fabrics than the major fabric store in western Canada, and the prices are amazing!! Why does fabric cost so much in Canada?????
I bought the pattern for this cute tote bag:

These 3 fabrics will be used to make that tote bag.

Here's a stash of fabrics that I purchased that one day at Jo-Ann's. Some of the fabrics will be used for tote bags, others for quilting, others are undecided. I was "into" paisleys that day, can you tell??!!

I also bought some Fat Eights. I pay more than double that listed price of $5.99 at my local quilt shop!! Perhaps I'll make a small table runner?!

This was an interesting find at Jo-Ann's... a fabric panel with Baby Einstein book pages. Now I just need to cut out the pages, quilt them, & bind them all together. Brilliant! I should have stocked up on these panels.

I had ordered these 3 kinds of Charm Packs (2 sets of each) from Green Fairy Quilts. I'm not sure entirely what I'll do with them, but I'm thinking of doing at least 1 stacked coins quilt.
Pictured below: Origins, Bliss & Fandango Charm Packs.

The main reason for me going to Jo-Ann's was that I wanted to buy some fabric to sew my 13-month-old son a new sleepsack. At 75 cm (almost 30") he was outgrowing the one I had purchased at Sears for him.
I love this fabric... it's cotton on both sides with a sew flannel in between. Wonderful... that meant I didn't have to cut fabrics for the outside & the inside! I bought a 24" zipper... my mother helped me with designing the shape & cutting out the fabric, but I had to sew it all together once I got home.
Front of Sleepsack. The fabric on the inside has the same vehicles printed on the fabric but smaller versions & printed on a light blue checked fabric.

Back of sleepsack:

Close-up of the fabric on the outside.

In May 2010, I had been to Jo-Ann's for the first time. Then I had purchased these adorable, soft puppy panels. I finally quilted them together this past week. (It was something to do when my son was tired of playing with the toys upstairs while I edited photos for my photo clients.) The quilt measures 33" x 42". (This quilt cost me about USD$54.)

The quilt back:

Now... what craft project to do next?????